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Custom Lyric Jingles

Lyrics composed to your specifications and produced on an existing music track.

Begin by sending email to RonMorgan@remorgan.com 
with your name and phone number

call (214) 528-4242

Let's talk about it! Ron will call you to discuss your jingle.

Let's get things started! You complete the information questionare and email, fax or mail with a small down payment.  We also accept Mastercard or Visa.

Select your music track. Ron will help you audition and choose an existing music track for your jingle.

What do you want to say? Tell us what you want your jingle to say.  After you provide us with your business name, slogan and other copy points we will write lyrics.

Your jingle is produced. A vocal recording session will be followed by a mix session.

Sounds Good!                                 You and your client hear the final product via internet or over the phone.

You receive your jingle! An agreement will be emailed or faxed to you for your client’s signature or your signature as an agent of your client.  Once the agreement is returned along with final payment, the jingle package will be available on the Internet for download by the specified radio station. A CD of the jingle package can be shipped to you for an extra charge.

© 2007 R.E.Morgan, Inc.